Scrum is a project management framework used to achieve better results, faster. Scrum can be applied to any project. Organize Agile specializes in Scrum outside of software development. The Scrum framework consists of 3 roles, 4 ceremonies and 4 lists. Scroll down to read an explanation of Scrum and see here what Scrum is in our explanimation

Scrum works with three roles:

  1. The Scrum Team is a self-organizing multidisciplinary Team. Members take ownership of their own tasks and have joint responsibility for the results.
  2. The Product Owner develops a vision; he knows what the result should be. He prioritises chunks of work and manages stakeholders.
  3. The Scrum Master coaches the Product Owner and the Team. He facilitates the Scrum process, increases agility and brings and keeps the Team up to speed.

The Scrum process runs in short cycles of 1 or 2 weeks, so-called sprints. Every sprint consists of 4 ceremonies:

  1. Sprint Planning
    During the Sprint Planning of the upcoming sprint, all chunks of work are selected and defined by the Team and the Product Owner. Tasks are assigned to individuals.
  2. Daily Stand-Up
    On a daily basis, the Team discusses their progress and impediments in a 15 minute stand-up meeting.
  3. Review
    The results/products of the sprint are demonstrated by the Team. Stakeholders and customers can give their feedback.
  4. The Retrospective
    Next, the Team evaluates its performance. It makes improvements for the next sprint. Then the Team is ready for the next Sprint Planning.

Scrum is know for the use of post-its. We use posters and sticky notes to visualize the ambitions and work of a Scrum Team. These are the 4 lists of Scrum:

1. Product Backlog
A prioritized list of the ambitions, wishes and chunks of work identified for the project. This list is made at the project kick-off and is updated every sprint.

2. Sprint backlog
A selection of chunks of work  from the Product Backlog for the upcoming sprint. This list is renewed each sprint.

3. Definition of Done
This list describes what the Team expects to deliver at the end of the sprint.

4. Scrum board
The best known Scrum list. This board has the columns To Do, Busy and Done. All the  tasks go into the To Do column, and during the sprint these move from Busy to Done. When all tasks are Done at the predetermined Sprint deadline, it’s time for the Review. And then? Up to the next Sprint!

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